Obstetrics and Gynaecology

About the Department
The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Malabar Medical College is a multi-unit team committed to excellence in service, education and research since its inception in 2008. Currently comprising of three units, the Department caters to the health care needs of women from more than three districts and is one of the tertiary referral centres in the area for both antenatal and gynaecology patients.The department brings together first rate clinical services along with updated academic services and research. The vision of the department is to provide comprehensive health care to the women of the region and train the next generation of doctors. In addition to providing the latest in patient care the department under a dynamic leadership strives to maintain a high standard in training undergraduates in basic clinical skills and at the same time inculcate interest for research by conducting academic programmes like journals clubs .We constantly strive for improvement with monthly audit and review meetings.We at MMC are committed to community services throughout the year which include organising medical camps and organising public awareness programs.
Speciality clinics
1 | Antenatal clinic | Daily | 11am- 1 pm |
2 | Postnatal clinic | Tuesday, Friday | 11am-1pm |
3 | Infertility clinic(Dr.Vinayachandran) | Friday | 11am-1pm |
4 | Family planning | Daily | 11am-1pm |
5 | Cancer screening | Wednesday | 11am-1pm |
6 | Menopausal clinic | Friday | 11am-1pm |
7 | High risk obstetrics clinic | Monday, Thursday | 11am-1pm |
8 | Adolescent clinic | Saturday | 11am-1pm |
Clinical Focus
- General and High-Risk Obstetrics
- General Gynecology and Uro gynecology
- fertility related problems and gynecological cancers
- We have a state of the art labor complex,
- which includes a clean labour room with an Emergency Labour Operation Theatre
- And a separate Septic Labour Room and OT for antenatal patients with infectious diseases
- The labour room is backed by an excellent Blood Bank facility,
- round the clock Ultra Sound and Laboratory Services
- And is well supported by other clinical specialties such as Anesthesia and Pediatrics.
- Risk factors for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: A case control study- International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jan 2017.
- Feto-maternal outcomes in Abruptio Placenta - International Journal of Science Research -2015.
- Obstetric outcomes of teenage pregnancy in comparisons with pregnant woman 20-29 years- A retrospective study.
- Epidemiology of complete Hydatiform Mole at a tertiary hospital and analysis of cases over last 5- year period – Indian journal of Maternal and Child health, 2011.
- Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia in a parturient with, kyphoscoliosis, chronic hypertension and transverse lie- Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia-Jun 2017.
- A case of severe pre-eclampsia presenting as acute pulmonary oedema. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 2016.
- Bladder endometriosis. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India. 2008.
- Study of perinatal outcome of pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction in a Tertiary Care Centre in North Kerala. Journal of evidence Based Med.Healthc. 2008
- Analysis of Semen studies of 200 Men attending an infertility clinic in a tertiary care centre’. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental sciences. 2017
- Correlation of Spot Urine Albumin and 12- Hour Urine Protein with 24 – Hour urine protein in pre- eclampsia. Journal of Evidence Based Med.Healthc. 2017
- Comparison of two different techniques of uterine closure in caesarean section. Continuous single layer technique versus BABU and MAGON technique. International journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics& gynecology. 2018
- PMD Initially diagnosed as partial mole. JOGI (Dec12)G2 (51): 546-548.
- Cervical Teratoma”. Indian journal of maternal and V Child Health. 2011
- A five years retrospective analytical study on maternal mortality in a tertiary referral hospital in northern Kerala, India – journal of SAFOG.
- A cardiac Twin case report. Journal of evolution and medical and dental sciences. 2014
- Intussusception in pregnancy- A case report. IJSS case reports and review. 2014
- Post sterilization ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care centre in North Kerala. J.Evid .Based Med.Healthc. 2017; 4 (19),1067-1071. DOI: 10.18410/Jebmin/ 2017/209
- Fetomaternal and neonatal outcome of preterm premature rupture of membranes. J.Evid .Based Med.Healthc. 2017; 4 (74), 0000-0000.DOI: 10.18410/ Jebmin /2017/1.
- Comparison of effectiveness of mifepristone -misoprostol combination versus mifepristone Foley EAS (Extra amniotic instillation of saline) combination in second trimester pregnancy termination. Indian journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology researches. 2018: 5(4): 530- 534.
- Role of amnioinfusion on neonatal outcome in cases with meconium stained amniotic fluid.J.Evid based med .Health C, 2016, 3(8), 4394-4397. DOI: 10/84/Jebmin/2016/935.
- Comparative stages of pap smear abnormalities NS HIV infected and HIV non infected Indian journal repeated contraception Obstetrics & Gynecology 2016; 5:783-7.
- Comparison of maternal & perinatal outcome in elective repeat cases of C. section done before 39 weeks & those done after 39 wks of gestation. Journal of evolution of medical & dental sciences, March 2015. VOL-4 Issue 18.
- Morbidity of caesarean delivery: Comparative study between early and advanced Stages of labor in an Indian tertiary care. Indian journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2013; 2, 646-50.
- A comparative study of intra - operative and post- operative morbidities in abdominal versus vaginal hysterectomy – Paripex - Indian Journal of research March 2015.
- A study of menopausal symptoms in women after hysterectomy with retained ovaries - International journal of medical and health research -March 2017.
- A study of co-relation of etiological and histopathological findings in females undergoing hysterectomy for abnormal uterine bleeding in accordance with PALM COEIN Classification - Paripex -Indian Journal of research –November 2014.
- A study of Level of awareness about menopausal hormone therapy among junior residents –Journal of Medical Research and Practice – Jan- 2017.
- Cytological pattern of cervical pap smears-a study among population of North Malabar In Kerala-Indian Journal of Pathology & Oncology-October, December 2016.
- Ovarian Enterobiasis -Case report- International Journal of Research in Medical Science-March 2018.
- A Study of Thyroid Dysfunction in women with abnormal uterine bleeding, Paripex– Indian Journal of research, Volume 6 / issue 2017
- Pipelle Endometrial Sampling versus Conventional Dilation and Curettage in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding -Journal of Medical Research and practice June 2017
- Estimation of gestational age in third trimester from fetal kidney length (Thesis)
- Colposcopy vs Pap smear in early detection of cervical malignancy (Thesis)
- Uterine artery embolization in secondary postpartum hemorrhage in a case of von Willebrand disease. International Journal of Research in Medicine;2017
- Managing gynecological problems in Indian adolescent girls-a challenge of 21 st century. Obstetrics and Gynecology International Journal;2015.