Dr. Prejisha
Department Of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1. A comparative study of
intra - operative and post- operative morbidities in abdominal versus vaginal
hysterectomy – Paripex - Indian Journal of research March 2015.
2. A study of menopausal
symptoms in women after hysterectomy with retained ovaries - International
journal of medical and health research -March2017
3. A study of co-relation
of etiological and histopathological findings in females undergoing
hysterectomy for abnormal uterine bleeding in accordance with PALM COEIN
Classification - Paripex -Indian Journal of research –November 2014
4. A study of Level of
awareness about menopausal hormone therapy among junior residents –Journal of
Medical Research and Practice – Jan- 2017
5. Cytological pattern of
cervical pap smears-a study among population of North Malabar In Kerala-Indian
Journal of Pathology & Oncology-October, December 2016
6. Ovarian Enterobiasis
-Case report- International Journal of Research in Medical Science-March 2018.