
About the Department
The Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) at Malabar Medical College and Research Centre offers comprehensive care for all disorders related to the ear, nose, throat , head and neck regions, in patients of all ages. Our ENT department is equipped with state-of- the -art technical support for both diagnosis and treatment for management of all ear, nose, throat and related diseases.
Our Out Patient Department functions from 8 am – 2pm on 6 days a week (Mon- Saturday). We have an evening OP from 3 pm to 6.30 pm on all days and a twenty four hour casualty service for all emergency ENT cases. We have a well equipped procedure room attached to the OPD with facilities for Nasal endoscopy , video laryngoscopy , Oto endoscopy, Microscopy of ear and all minor ENT procedures.
Our Operation Theatre has sophisticated equipments including Karl Zeiss operating microscope, Stroz nasal endoscopes and Medtronic debrider system to mention a few. All hearing restoration surgeries , Middle ear microscopic surgeries, endoscopic nasal surgeries, sinus surgeries, Skull base surgeries, DCR, microlaryngeal surgeries, snoring and sleep apnea surgeries, salivary gland surgeries and thyroidectomies are performed regularly.
Clinical Focus
- Management of hearing loss including microscopic ear surgeries
- Management of vertigo
- Nasal endoscopic surgeries
- Septorhinoplasty
- Management of epistaxis
- Surgeries for voice restoration
Audiology & Speech Pathology Services
- 1. Pure Tone Audiogram
- 2. Impedence- Tympanometry - Acoustic Reflex
- 3 Speech Audiometry
- 4. Special Tests- TDT, STAT, SISI, ABLB, MCL, UCL etc.
- 5. Auditory Brainstem Response Study : BERA, ASSR, Tone burst ABR, MLR, LLR
- 6. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential C- VEMP
- 7.Newborn Hearing Screening Unit
- 8. Hearing aid trial fitting & Programming
- 9. Hearing aid Accessories & Repair
- 10. Speech & language Evaluation & Therapy
- 11.Voice Therapy, Therapy for Dysphagia
- Effectiveness of oral itraconazole in the management of otomycosis with tympanic membrane perforation: - Dr. Aju Ravindran, Dr. Sagesh.M, International Journal of Research in Medical science 2017 April 5(A):1373- 1376.
- Effectiveness of cartilage window with button technique in treatment of pseudocyst pinna - Dr. Aju Ravindran, Dr. Sagesh .M International Journal of Medical and Health Research ISSN: 2454-914.
- Facial nerve paralysis: a Clinical study, Dr. Shilpa. K S , Dr. Sagesh M: International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery : Vol.5 (2019) Print ISSN: 2454- 5929.
- Does Combining a Labyrinthine Sedative with Epley’s Manoeuver influence the treatment outcome in BPPV : Dr. Shilpa K S.
- Role irrigation of external &middle ear with diluted acetic acid in multidrug resistant pseudomonas infection of external &middle ear : Dr. Aju Ravindran .Dr. Shilpa K S.
- A Systematic review of treatment of Idiopathic Sudden sensoryneural Hearing losss: Dr Shilpa K S, Dr. Aju Ravindran.