
About the Department
Department of pulmonolgy provides comprehensive care for patients with respiratory illness like, asthma, copd, bronchiectasis, respiratory infections including tuberculosis, allergies, pleural disease and sleep related breathing disorders. In collaboration with other departments, experts in this department provide special care for critically ill patients, requiring intensive care and invasive ventilatory support in our multi disciplinary ICU especially for ARDS, Sepsis, and acute respiratory failure. We have a state of the art fibre optic chip based video bronchoscopy unit which can provide diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Our hospital lab is recognized as a designated microscopic centre under RNTCP, and is under direct supervision of this department.
Clinical Focus
- Asthma and allergy clinic
- COPD and rehabilitation clinic
- ILD clinic
- TB Clinic
- Pneumonia clinic
- Smoking Cessation clinic
Diagnostic and therapeutic services for acute and chronic respiratory ailments.- Spirometry.
- Oximetry.
- Arterial blood gas analysis.
- Well equipped ICU with facilities for Non invasive and invasive mechanical ventilatory support.
- Multipara monitors for continuous monitoring.
- Point of care portable ultrasonography for assessment of critically ill patients, guided vascular access and other therapeutic procedures.
- Digital X-ray.
- HRCT lung.
- CECT thorax.
- CT pulmonary angiogram.
- Thoracic ultrasonography.
- MRI For thoracic vascular lesion.
- Thoracentesis.
- Pleural biopsy.
- Trans thoracic needle aspiration and biopsy.
- Fibre optic video bronchoscopy.
- Bronchial washing.
- Bronchial brushing.
- Bronchial biopsy.
- Bronchoalveolar lavage.
- Tube thoracostomy for pneumothorax, empyema, hemothorax.
- Chemical pleurodesis.
- Emergency medicine department with facilities for triage, resuscitation for acutely ill patients with facility for POC ultrasound for BLUE (Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency) protocol and eFAST ( extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma).
- Wards with central oxygen supply system.
- Recognized designated microscopic centre (DMC) under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program, for microbiologic diagnosis of tuberculosis and MOTT.
To study the clinical profile incidence and Influencing Comorbidities of toxic optic neuropathy (TON) in patients receiving antituberculous therapy in a tertiary care centre
Other Activities
Academic activities
Department holds regular theory and clinical classes for the undergraduates as per KUHS guidelines. House surgeons also participate in departmental activities including academics and patient care. Weekly seminar presentation by house surgeons.
- 1. ABG:
- 2. Pulmonary Functions Test
- 3. Spirometry
- 4. Flexible Bronchosopy
- 5. Designated Microscopy Centre and DOT centre for Tuberculosis